Class 15 - Mar 13

Video & Reading Introduction

Our reading this week comes from a book that explores VFX through a critical lens. The assigned selection comes from the opening section and outlines a historical framework for the VFX that we see commonly today. To help with this introduction, we will watch a short video that includes shots and clips from the history of VFX: The Evolution of Visual Effects.

Assigned Tutorial

This week's assigned tutorial is directly related to our current project. It outlines a process for incorporating and compositing typography in a video as if it were in 3D space. This type of effect is required in VFX Project 1. In addition, there are other examples of tutorials out there that may be of use. Here is one example. When reviewing and following tutorials like the one assigned or others, the process is what is most important to take note of. You will need to make adjustments based on your concept and your footage. Consider tutorial examples in regards to the type of shots and footage they use, because it might be useful as a model for your production.


Pre-Production Presentations

In a somewhat informal discussion, each group or individual project will be presented. The Pre-Production materials will be displayed on the projection screen and those that are involved in that project will have a few minutes to talk about their concept. These presentations are meant to be conversational in nature and the rest of the group may ask questions or offer feedback and suggestions.

Works Session

Following the VFX Project 1 presentations, you will have work time. During work time, you should either be working on things like: Production, Video Sketches, Process Exploration, Related Tutorials, Related Reading Assignment, or other work that supports your project.



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