Class 22 - Apr 12


Our time waster today is related to our reading assignment for the week. It is a computer generated animated film by pioneering artist John Whitney. Whitney is discussed at length in the "Computer Films" reading.

Project 2 Submission, Screening, Critique/Discussion

Submit your pre-production PDFs on D2L.

The material will be collected and displayed in class. Each group/student will have some time to share their concept with the rest of the class. There will be some time for brief feedback. We will work to keep this review of Pre Production relatively informal. There will be opportunities to get more structured notes and feedaback as the work progresses.


beam me up

Project 2 Work Session

The remaining time in class is designated as work time for VFX Project 2. Use our time together in class as much as possible for sharing ideas, brainstorming, recommendations for processes based on your concept, assistance with some processes, experimenting with keying and shooting footage for VFX, general project research, and development. You should be in a position to begin Production work, however, try to keep Production work outide of class time so we can work more efficiently together.




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